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Congratulations on beating Trapped in a Video Game! The Winners Circle is filled with exclusive content to reward readers who’ve made it through all five books. On this page, you can view the end credits, start reading Escape from a Video Game, and even get a personal video from author Dustin Brady. 


Check out the credits below to see pictures of the real-life Jesse and Eric that inspired the characters in the book! Be sure to stick around after the credits to find out what happens after Trapped in a Video Game. An after-credits scene for a book?! That’s right. It’s like a Marvel movie or something.


 Get a personal video from the author! Dustin Brady, author of Trapped in a Video Game, is excited that you made it through all five books in the series. As a reward, he’d like to send you a personal video to say hello and answer your questions! Here’s how it works:

1. Get a parent to help you send an email to Dustin at Please put your name in the subject line along with the word “video.” So if your name is Dougie, the subject line would be “Dougie Video.”

2. Dustin will do his best to get your name right, but if it’s hard to pronounce, please repeat your name in the body of the email, but include the pronunciation in parentheses. So you might say, “Hi, this is Dougie (Dug-ee)”

3. Send Dustin a message or ask him any question you want, no matter how serious or silly! He’ll read it and respond through video.

4. Many kids end up sharing the video with their teacher, who then shows it to the class. That’s awesome! If you’d like Dustin to shout out your class, please provide your teacher’s name and grade level. So you might say, “Shout out Miss Feliciano’s fourth grade class.”

5. Look for the auto-reply. A few minutes after you send your email, you should get an auto-reply confirming that Dustin received the message. If you don’t see it within a few minutes, check your spam folder. If it’s there, then mark it as “not spam” to make sure you get the real video from Dustin! If you still don’t see it, understand that some email servers (especially schools), filter out Dustin’s emails, so you may need to send from a different address. Send from a parent’s email address for the best chance of receiving the message.

6. Be patient. Dustin gets many messages every day. He does his best to respond quickly, but it may be several weeks before you hear back. Look for Dustin’s reply in the same place you got the auto response.


If you liked Trapped in a Video Game, you’re in for a treat, because Dustin Brady has two more video game series available now! Here’s your chance to get autographed copies of all six books.

Escape from a Video Game is a series of interactive pick-your-path books that put you in charge of the action. Each book allows you to enter a long-lost Bionosoft game to uncover new danger, outsmart terrifying enemies, and maybe, just maybe, become the hero of your own adventure. Click here to get a sneak peek of the first book. 

In Adventures in a Video Game, the government has opened up Bionosoft’s “Trapped in a Video Game” technology for all to enjoy! Predictably, things go very poorly. Adventures in a Video Game is a series of standalone books that can be read in any order. The first two are out now! Check out the first few chapters of both My Friend from the Future and Don’t Climb This Mountain

In a special offer only available here, you can get all six books signed and personalized for 40% off! Follow this link to order your autographed books.


 Dustin is hard at work on the next Adventures in a Video Game book! To be the first to learn about that book as well as other new projects, sign up for the Secret Club below.